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Blog Posts von Robin Güldenpfennig zu SharePoint, Softwareentwicklung und weiteren Themen.

Getting started with the SharePoint Framework SPFx

On May 2016 the SharePoint Framework (short SPFx) was announced and just about a month ago it has been released and was made available for the general public.

So what is the “SharePoint Framework” and how do you get started with it? In this blog post I try write down an easy to follow guideline on how to engage with the SPFx and to understand the overall ecosystem, customizing and deployment tasks. I have been following the development of the SPFx for some months now but never really started using it. Now the time has come and I’m going to document my way to “full SPFx enlightenment” 😉

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Remove additional SSD storage from Azure SharePoint 2013 non-HA Farm deployment

When we deployed a SharePoint 2013 non-HA Farm from the Azure Marketplace we noticed that a lot of additional storage space was added to our resource group. All three servers (Active Directory, SQL, SharePoint 2013) got at least one additional VHD blob with each 1000 GiB of SSD space that was attached to the specified server. Even when you shut down the virtual machines Microsoft Azure will still debit your subscription with the costs of those additional storage (which is not quite cheap).

Read More »Remove additional SSD storage from Azure SharePoint 2013 non-HA Farm deployment